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"Naming Him" Choosing a name for a child is a significant responsibility. It is the first gift parents give to their newborn, a name that will define him for a lifetime. When it was time to name our son, my husband and I spent months brainstorming and considering different options. We looked for names that had meaning and significance, ones that spoke to our values and beliefs. We also wanted a name that sounded strong and noble. After much deliberation, we settled on the name Ethan. Ethan means "strong" and "firm," and it felt like the perfect name for our son. It was also a Biblical name, which resonated with our faith. We felt proud and confident when we introduced him to family and friends, knowing that his name reflected our aspirations for him. As Ethan grows up, his name will become more than just a label. It will be a part of his identity and shape how others perceive him. It will also influence how he sees himself and his place in the world. We hope that his name will inspire him to be brave, kind, and compassionate, and that it will always remind him of the love and support that surround him. Naming our son was not an easy task, but it was a privilege. It gave us the opportunity to express our hopes and dreams for him, and to envision the kind of person he will become. We look forward to watching him grow into his name and to be a part of the wonderful journey of parenting.


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