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Water bearers rejoice! Are you ready for an exciting and prosperous year ahead? Here are some lucky items to help you navigate your way through 2018. First on the list is the color purple. Purple is the color of royalty and success, and it resonates well with the intellectual Aquarian. Wearing purple and surrounding yourself with purple items will help stimulate your creativity and bring forth new brilliant ideas. Next is the Aquamarine gemstone. It is said to be a powerful crystal for the Water Bearer, as it encourages clear communication, intuition, and courage. Wearing or meditating with this gemstone will help you speak your mind and make confident decisions. Thirdly, the Air plant, also called the Tillandsia, is the perfect addition to your living space. As an air sign, Aquarius thrives in open spaces and fresh air. These plants require no soil and are low-maintenance, making them a great option for busy Aquarians. Finally, a good book or journal, preferably with blank pages, is a must-have for the Water Bearer. Writing down your thoughts and ideas will help you stay organized and focused, and reading inspiring books will nourish your mind and soul. This year, Aquarians will experience new opportunities and growth in their career and personal r「领略更多 今日运势查询资讯请关注 :运势吧,wWW.yUnshIba.Cc」elationships. By carrying these lucky items and staying connected with your inner self, you will achieve a harmonious balance and success in all aspects of your life. So gear up and take charge! The universe is ready and waiting for you to make your dreams a reality.


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