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Taurus is one of the twelve astrological signs in the zodiac and represents those born between April 20th and May 20th. People born under the Taurus sign are known for their reliability, patience, and practicality. As an earth sign, Taurus is grounded and focused on stability and security. They crave comfort and are willing to work hard to achieve it. They are also very determined and persistent, which makes them great at achieving their goals. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which is associated with beauty, love, and pleasure. This explains why people born under this sign often have a keen appreciation for aesthetics and enjoy indulging in the finer things in life. While Taurus people are often seen as practical and sensible, they can also be stubborn and resistant to change. This is because they value stability and predictability and can become uncomfortable when things feel too chaotic or unpredictable. In relationships, Taurus people are loyal and dedicated. They often take a long time to fully open up, but once they do, they are incredibly devoted. They are also known for being sensual and romantic partners, often preferring to take things slow and savor every moment. In summary, Taurus people are reliable, grounded, and focused on stability and comfort. While they can be stubborn at times, they make up for it with their dedication and loyalty to those they care about.


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