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Gemini - The Sign of Twins Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, usually represented by twins. Those born under this sign are known for their intelligence, versatility, and sociable nature. They are also characterized by their quick wit, adaptability, and communication skills. People born under Gemini are born between May 21 and June 20. They are naturally curious, always seeking out new experiences and knowledge. They have a strong critical thinking ability and can easily see different sides of an issue, making them great problem-solvers. The twins also have a talent for communication, possessing the ability to express themselves in various forms. They are intelligent and love to talk but may have difficulty focusing on just one area of interest. They can be easily distracted and may struggle with procrastination. Gemini can also be known for their social nature. They enjoy meeting new people, making friends, and engaging in intellectual conversations. They appreciate the value of humor and fun and are often the life of the party. However, they may struggle with commitment and can have a tendency to be fickle in relationships. In relationships, Gemini needs someone who can keep up with their quick mind and constant need for stimulation. They enjoy flirting and adventure, but may struggle to commit to a long-lasting relationship. However, once they find someone they connect with on all levels, they can be extremely devoted. Overall, Gemini is a sign full of dualities. They can be quick-witted and charming, but also fickle and indecisive. They thrive in social situations but may struggle with commitment. However, their intelligence and adaptability make them valuable assets in any situation.


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