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Leo - The Traits and Characteristics of the Lion Sign In the world of astrology, the zodiac sign Leo represents the Lion, which is known for its commanding presence and fierce loyalty. Born between July 23 and August 22, those who fall under the Leo sign are ruled by the sun, which fuels their outgoing and confident personalities. One of the most significant traits of a Leo is their leadership qualities. They have a natural charisma that attracts people towards them and makes them natural born leaders. They possess an innate ability to lead others and excel in positions of power. The Leo sign is known for its strong sense of self-worth and independence, which makes them confident in their decision-making abilities. Leos are also known for their love of attention and being the center of it. They are natural performers and have a magnetic personality that draws people towards them. They enjoy being in the spotlight and thrive on praise and admiration from others. However, with this attention-seeking behavior comes a heightened sense of pride. Leos can often come across as arrogant or self-centered, which can make it difficult for them to connect with others on a deeper level. They can also struggle with criticism as it challenges their belief in themselves and their abilities. Despite this, Leos have a fiercely loyal and protective nature. They value their close relationships deeply and will do anything to protect those they love. Furthermore, they have a strong sense of justice and will speak up against injustices they see in the world. In conclusion, the Leo sign is known for its strong leadership qualities, love of attention, and fierce loyalty. While they can come across as proud and self-centered at times, their protective nature and sense of justice make them valuable members of any community or group.


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