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As a professional League of Legends player, the Cancer sign is a perfect representation of my personality both in game and in real life. People who fall under this sign are said to be sensitive, emotional, and protective, traits that I believe directly correlate to my playstyle. In game, I am very cautious and calculated. I take my time to analyze my opponent's moves before I make my own, and I always strive to protect my teammates, much like a protective crab shielding its young. This also manifests in my tendency to play tank champions, such as Maokai or Nautilus. Outside of the game, I am an empathetic person who values close relationships and emotional connections. As a Cancer, I often seek out a sense of security and comfort in my personal relationships, which is why I believe my close friendships within the gaming community have been so important to me. Though my tendency to be emotional can sometimes be seen as a weakness, I believe it is also what sets me apart from other players. My ability to connect on a deeper level with both my teammates and opponents has allowed me to better understand and predict their actions, giving me an edge in game. Overall, I am proud to be a professional League of Legends player and a Cancer sign. My sensitivity and emotional depth have helped me to succeed both in game and in my personal relationships outside of it.


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