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Gemini, the third astrological sign in the zodiac, is known for being outgoing, communicative, and versatile. People born between May 21 and June 20 are considered to be born under this sign and share these characteristics. One of the defining traits of a Gemini is their love for communication. They are strong communicators and are able to express themselves clearly and confidently. This trait often leads them to careers in journalism, teaching, or public speaking. They are also skilled at adapting to different social situations and can easily make friends with anyone. Despite their friendly nature, they can sometimes come off as superficial or indecisive. Gemini individuals are known for their intelligence and curiosity. They enjoy learning new things and are always up for a challenge. They have a natural ability to process information quickly and are often good at problem-solving. However, their restlessness can sometimes cause them to struggle with following through on long-term projects. Because of their adaptability, Geminis enjoy variety and change. They are constantly seeking new experiences and are not afraid to take risks. However, this can sometimes lead to impulsiveness and a lack of focus. In relationships, Geminis can be loving and devoted partners. They enjoy intellectual stimulation and need someone who can keep up with their lively and curious nature. However, they can also struggle with commitment and may struggle with settling down with just one person. Overall, Geminis are an intriguing and dynamic sign. Their outgoing nature and intelligence make them great communicators and problem-solvers, but their restlessness and impulsiveness can sometimes hold them back. They are versatile and adaptable, always seeking new experiences and knowledge.


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