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Title: The Taurus Zodiac Sign in English Taurus is one of the twelve zodiac signs that represent different personality types according to astrology. People who are born between April 20 and May 20 are considered to be Taureans. Taureans are known for their well-grounded nature, determination, and practicality. They are often regarded as reliable and diligent individuals who always finish what they start. However, they can be stubborn and possessive at times, and may have difficulty adapting to change. Taureans are also known for their love of luxury and comfort. They have a keen eye for beauty and are often drawn to material possessions that reflect their taste. They are also loyal and affectionate partners, but their possessiveness can sometimes create issues in their relationships. In terms of their career, Taureans are well-suited to jobs that require attention to detail, practical skills, and a steady hand. They are often successful in fields such as finance, real estate, and agriculture. They value stability and security, and are typically averse to taking risks. When it comes to health, Taureans may be prone to indulging in food and drink, which can lead to weight gain and other health problems. It is important for Taureans to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to avoid these issues. In conclusion, Taureans are known for their practicality, determination, and love of luxury. While they can be stubborn and possessive, they are also loyal and affectionate partners. They are well-suited to careers that require attention to detail and practical skills, but may struggle with change. Maintaining good health habits is important for Taureans to ensure their overall well-being.


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