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My WeChat Name Journey as a Gemini Girl As a Gemini girl, my WeChat name journey is always full of twists and turns. It seems like every time I change my name, I am discovering a new aspect of my personality or reinventing myself. My journey started with a simple name, just my initials and my birth year. It was easy to remember and boring at the same time. Then, I went through a phase where I wanted to impress people. My name was a quote from a famous philosopher, and I thought it made me sound intelligent and cultured. But soon, I realized that I was just being pretentious. Then, I went through a phase where I wanted to be unique. I tried a few fancy and exotic names, but they were too hard to pronounce, and people didn't remember them. So, I went back to my roots and chose a simple, yet creative name that incorporated my nickname and my favorite color. After a few months, I fell in love with a new name that showed my love for travel and adventure. It felt so exciting to have a name that represented my dreams and aspirations. But then, I realized that it didn't capture the essence of who I am. Finally, I settled on a name that is a reflection of my current state of mind. It's a phrase from a song that reminds me to embrace the present moment and enjoy the little things in life. It's simple, yet meaningful, and it feels like me. Changing my WeChat name may seem like a trivial thing, but for me, it's a way to express myself and show the world who I am. It's a journey of self-discovery, and I am excited to see where it takes me next.


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