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Jupiterian Stars: A Guide to the Stars in the Constellation of Cancer The constellation of Cancer is one of the twelve zodiac signs, home to some of the most interesting stars in the night sky. One of the most prominent zodiacs in the Northern Hemisphere, Cancer is the fourth astrological sign and it represents the water element. Among the many stars in this constellation, the Jupiterian stars are the most fascinating. Jupiterian stars are the stars that share the same properties as Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. They are massive, fast-rotating, and typically exhibit a strong magnetic field. In the constellation of Cancer, we can find several of these stars. One of the most notable Jupiterian stars in the constellation is Acubens (α Cnc). Acubens is a white star located approximately 174 light-years away from Earth. It has a mass of about 2.5 times that of the Sun and rotates at a tremendous speed, taking only around 10 hours to complete a rotation. It is also notable for its strong magnetic field, which creates a coronal structure around the star. The star is named after the Arabic word for "claws", which refers to its position in the Constellation of Cancer. Another Jupiterian star in this constellation is Altarf (β Cnc). Altarf is a yellow giant star that is located approximately 290 light-years away from the Earth. It has a radius that is about three times that of the Sun and is about 13 times more luminous than the Sun. Altarf is a steady and stable star, with little variation in brightness over time. It is believed to have a planetary system with at least one gas giant planet in orbit around it. Lastly, there is Alzirr (ξ Cnc), another Jupiterian star in the Cancer constellation. Alzirr is a blue-white star located around 83 light-years away from the Earth. It has a mass of about twice that of the Sun and rotates at a very high speed, taking only around 2.4 days to complete a rotation. Alzirr is also part of a multiple star system, with another star orbiting it at a distance of about 86 astronomical units. In conclusion, the constellation of Cancer is a fascinating place to explore the wonders of the universe. It is home to several Jupiterian stars, including Acubens, Altarf, and Alzirr. These massive, fast-spinning stars are some of the most spectacular objects in the night sky. Whether you're an amateur stargazer or an experienced astronomer, the Jupiterian stars in the constellation of Cancer are sure to capture your imagination and awe.


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